King Edward’s is using #mentalhealthawarenessweek to deliver, to all pupils, talks about mental health issues, where toseek advice and promoting well-being for oneself and each other. This week, all lessons in PSHE will focus on mindfulness, resilience, body image and mental health conditions. All pupils have been emailed reminding them the Medical Centre staff are on hand 24/7 for advice and support and the external agencies they can contact; 3rd Form to Sixth Form will have guided meditation sessions.
Most importantly though, is to ensure everyone knows that the School is always committed to the #mentalwellbeing of all our staff and pupils, and ‘doors are always open’ to talk, share, laugh, cry or just to be. Amongst all this activity, our main message this week is ‘Take 40 seconds”, supporting the World Health Organisation (@WHO) on 10 October to help improve awareness of the significance of suicide as a global public health problem.