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5th Form Inquiry Projects show depth of knowledge

26th June 2020

We have been blown away by the high quality of our 5th Form pupils’ Inquiry Projects this year. The Inquiry Project is an independent research project with the opportunity to explore whatever topic is of greatest interest to each pupil. It offers a chance for 5th Form pupils to develop their creativity, explore their motivation, deepen their passion for a particular topic and discover their abilities to manage their time and track their progress. It is a fantastic skills builder as it gives them the chance to develop the research, project management, goal-setting and presentation skills that they will be using in their Sixth Form studies, wherever they are studying and whatever qualifications they are planning to take.

Each pupil has had a supervisor to oversee their work. Pupils were required to keep a ‘Process Journal’ that documented their thought processes, research ideas and everything else along the way.

Over the last couple of weeks our 5th Form pupils have worked incredibly hard to show the depth of knowledge they have generated in their chosen topic. A number of excellent examples can be found below.

Well done 5th Form!

Gabriela Lee decided to dip into psychology to complete her project, advancing her understanding of ‘The Empty Nest Syndrome’. Check out her article here.

Sam Warne completed his project on Brexit and decided to present it in the form of a podcast. You can listen to it here.

Mafalda Herraez Teixeira De Melo created this fantastic Youtube video to showcase all that she had learned over the course of this project. She looks at how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected people individually and on a more global basis.

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