Back to school update




Dear Parents and Guardians,

As promised in my last communication, I am writing with an update on our planning for pupils’ arrival in School at the end of the summer break.  Everyone at King Edward’s looks forward to welcoming all our pupils at the start of next academic year and particularly all new pupils who will be joining us for the first time.

We are very proud of the achievements of last year’s pupils during lockdown, their resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges, and of the School’s flexible, rapid and rigorous adaptation to digital and, more recently, blended learning. The end-of-year virtual Assemblies show how much hard work, progress and even fun have filled the past few months. Many of you have told us that our academic and pastoral provision has given you confidence that, in these extraordinary times, your children have continued to learn and develop extremely well; they are well equipped to face the opportunities and challenges of the next few years, whatever these may be.

Despite much discussion in the international media about the need to “catch up”, it is important to point out that King Edward’s pupils are already poised to resume ‘normal’ School with confidence in the progress they have made. As the pastoral care booklet pointed out, many children will have learned, and been tested, in new and important ways and will be all the stronger for it.  Nevertheless, everybody in the School community will be looking forward to a time when we can come together again.

In relation to the prospect of returning, our provision will necessarily depend on, and vary according to, government actions in response to the pandemic, both in the UK and across the world. Therefore, we shall provide updates on our response and planning, on the following dates throughout the summer, even if there is no more information to report: Friday 31st July, Friday 14th August  and Friday 21st August.

If there are no further social distancing measures imposed by the UK government before September, we will re-open School according to the following summary timetable:

Date and time
Monday 31st August 2020, 5.30pm Upper Sixth and 5th Form boarders return to School
Tuesday 1st September and Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Academic programme for all Upper Sixth and 5th Form pupils
Wednesday 2nd September 2020, 2.00pm All new boarders arrive at School
Wednesday 2nd September 2020, from 5.30pm All other boarders return to School
Thursday 3rd September 2020, 8.20am Day pupils arrive; roll call for all pupils; lessons and School inductions begin

Upper Sixth and 5th Form – Tuesday 1st September and Wednesday 2nd September

We will put on a special academic programme for pupils in the Upper Sixth and 5th Form, on 1st and 2nd September. This two-day course will address some specific skills across the curriculum that were difficult to practise under lockdown, and further details will be communicated later.  Attendance at this will not be compulsory; pupils will have ample opportunities during the academic year to cover their whole programmes of study.

All Boarders

We have already adopted almost all measures contained in the Boarding Schools’ Association COVID-19 Charter (and in most cases exceeded those requirements). I shall provide further information about our safety precautions and the fuller implementation of the Charter, later in the holiday.

Please note that if your son or daughter will be travelling from a country to which quarantine rules still apply and cannot be hosted by a guardian then you may be interested in our arrangements for quarantining at school. For further information, please email Mr Corran, .

With all good wishes,

Mrs Joanna Wright

Head at King Edward’s