King Edward’s students celebrate A-level results

13th August 2020: 18 students from King Edward’s have received their A-level results this morning, marking another successful year for our Sixth Form.

King Edward’s Head, Joanna Wright, congratulated the students, commenting: “I am delighted with the results and share the relief of pupils and colleagues that hard work and resilience have been rewarded. This cohort of pupils should be congratulated on their positive approach towards the challenging times that they faced when lock down took effect. They are a wonderfully talented group who will go on to do amazingly well.

They have exciting plans for their future, many are going to universities to pursue so many courses. Others have plans to take a gap year – we wish them all the very best and hope that they will keep in touch. We celebrate all their efforts, of particular note are those who attained all A*s and As: Dan Campbell, who goes on to read Chemical Engineering at Nottingham; Simonas Dambrauskas, who will read Mathematics at Warwick; and Tom Lewis who will read Economics at Exeter. We are also delighted that the publication of A-level results has enabled universities to take decisions regarding our IB pupils such as Head Boy Ben Dowson who has now been accepted into Nottingham to read Veterinary Medicine. We are very proud of all that they have achieved.

Our pupils benefit from excellent teaching and dedicated pastoral care. Pupils have a busy time in the Sixth Form helping to lead the school as fine role models and pursuing many co-curricular interests at a high level in areas such as music, sport and drama.”

Deputy Head Academic, Zeba Clarke comments “I would like to congratulate our A-level students who have been so resilient and optimistic in the face of real uncertainty. It is terrific that they have achieved results that will open doors and ensure they fulfil their potential at University and in the world of work.”

Head of Sixth Form, Richard Davies, notes: “the deleterious impact of the COVID pandemic emphasises the importance of resilience, creativity and staying focused on working towards longer term goals. Over the past 2 years our A-level pupils have worked diligently to develop not only their academic curiosity but, in addition, through their extensive extra-curricular activities and rich tutorial programme, the skills, knowledge and understanding to succeed in the next stage of their learning journey whether that is higher education, apprenticeships or employment. Our experienced A-level teachers exemplified these qualities themselves as they adopted innovative teaching and learning practices to ensure both lessons, and activities (including a ‘Together at home Musical extravaganza) continued during the early stages of lockdown and are now reflecting on how the most effective approaches can be embedded into lessons as they approach the new school year.

Whilst the majority of our pupils have been rewarded with exam grades that reflect their potential, and secured an offer at a university of their choice accordingly, a small number have been disproportionately affected by the vagaries of the algorithm used by exam boards.  Where this applies, our Sixth Form staff and Head of Careers and Higher Education will be on hand in order to support pupils as they review their options and plan the next stage of their learning.

This is another successful year for King Edward’s which sees students go on to top universities in the UK, Europe and Asia.