Charity abseil by King Edward’s staff member raises hundreds

In the middle of June, King Edward’s own Mr Dale Moroney took on the challenge of abseiling down Guildford Cathedral. We asked him all about the charity abseil and experience.

What is your current role at King Edward’s and how long have you worked here?
I am a general (electrical) fitter in the Estates Department, and I have worked at King Edward’s for 25 years and 7 months.

When was the abseil originally organised for before being rescheduled due to COVID?
The original abseil was the 13th June 2020, and was then rescheduled for 8th August 2020 before being rescheduled a final time. 

When did you finally get to do the abseil?
12th June 2021

How tall is Guildford cathedral?
The tower is 160 feet (49 m) high, and contains twelve bells, ten of which were cast by Mears and Stainbank in 1965. The bells were augmented to 12 with two Whitechapel trebles in 1975.

How long did it take you to abseil from the top to the bottom?
It takes about 5 – 8 minutes from top to bottom.

Were you scared? How did you feel before the abseil compared to after?
I am alright with heights, I was a bit apprehensive before hand but was pleased with myself when I reached the bottom

What charity did you raise money for and why did you pick this specific charity?
I was supporting Disability Challengers. Three of my children use this scheme along with countless more. Rowan (13yrs) has dyspraxia , Ashton (9yrs) is Autistic and Shannon (6yrs) who has recently been diagnosed with ASD.

How much money did you raise for the charity?
I set my target at £500, but have raised £700 with gift aid £862.50. Challengers in total have raised £28416.25 including gift aid.

Very well done to Dale for completing the challenge and raising the money for Challengers