Despite, or because of, it being such a short term, it has proven to be a musical whirlwind of a term with at least two musical events each week. Pupils have been incredibly busy with concerts, competitions, recordings, exams and services whilst keeping on top of their studies. Our twenty dedicated visiting teachers have been teaching a record number of one-to-one lessons as well as preparing pupils for exams, as well as coaching ensembles.
The term began preliminary rounds of KESW Musician of the year. It was great for pupils to perform in front of their peers with friendly and mutually supportive mini concerts with the full time staff selecting performers to be put through to the final. It proved to be challenging of who not to put through due to the high standard. A marathon five hour final took place on Sunday 5th March with Andrew Thomas, Head of Vocal Music at Cranleigh adjudicating. He had some very challenging decisions to make due to the high standard of pupils of all abilities. Cai Thomas was the overall winner as KESW Musician of the Year 2022-23. Congratulations to all who took part. The winners were:
Beginner | Contemporary | Owen Batchelor |
Beginner | Instrumental | George Self |
Beginner | Piano | Samuel Brain |
Beginner | Contemporary | 2022-23 |
Progressing | Contemporary | Samuel Akinsomisoye |
Progressing | Piano | Lucas Rodrigues El-Mariesh |
Progressing | Vocal | Jack Lawton |
Progressing | Musician of the year | Lucas Rodrigues El-Mariesh |
Intermediate | Contemporary | Dolly Vann |
Intermediate | Instrumental | Roman Havruliuk |
Intermediate | Piano | Marcus Shum |
Intermediate | Vocal | Lucy Edwards |
Intermediate | Musician of the year | Dolly Vann |
Senior | Contemporary | Wesley Kwok |
Senior | Instrumental | Julien Early |
Senior | Piano | Cai Thomas |
Senior | Vocal S | James Parker |
Senior | Vocal C | Zoe Rinaldi & Alia Harris |
Senior | Musician of the year | Cai Thomas |
The prize-winners’ concert was a real delight where you can see the musical journeys that our pupils are on with beginners through to our advanced musicians all playing alongside each other.
This was closely followed by House Music just before half term. It was tremendous to see pupils on stage having fun with the theme being Abba for the House Song. Our adjudicator was Shevaughan Beere who had the unenviable task of choosing a winner . A particular mention must go to all the House co-ordinators who rehearsed and prepared all the performances. The winner of the solo category was Edward and Tudor, the Ensemble category winner was Grafton and Ridley and the winner of the House Song was Elizabeth and Wakefield. But the overall winner this year was Edward and Tudor. Thanks should also go to all the lighting and sound crew who did a superb job.
There were numerous concerts with the Music Prefects and Ambassadors and also our Music Scholars all performing in school. Our scholars also gave a lunchtime concert at St Thomas-in-the-Bourne with audience and pupils braving the snow. Our Upper Sixth gave a farewell concert culminating in a very loud but dazzling drum off. We will certainly miss them as they go on to their chosen universities. Our first Bridewell Concert too place on the last night of term with pupils from Years 7 and 8 joining together with Forms 1 and 2 for a real celebration of the Bridewell family and the large diversity of music that our pupils take part in. It was super to see so many parents there supporting. Another first for KESW was a concerto workshop and performances of concerto movements with an orchestra. The pupils taking part had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon of rehearsing which culminated in a concert. It was uplifting to see their playing rise in such as short space of time. The last week of term saw ABRSM exams, and our pupils’ success continues to be far above the national average, not only with pass rates, but with the number of merits and distinctions awarded. On Shrove Tuesday our scholars took part against others scholars in a pancake race around school and it was wonderful to see so many taking park. Well done to Freddie Marren for winning! On Ash Wednesday the school came together for Chapel and Chapel Choir sang Allegri’s iconic Miserere. Aside from regular Sunday Services, Chapel Choir have been busy with postponed Carol Services for the school and for parents. Their singing at Bridewell Day and at St George’s Windsor continues to uphold the reputation of excellence in music in the City of London and further afield. Our musicians at all levels continue to go from strength to strength at all levels and we are rightly proud of them.
The Music Department