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International Children’s Book Day

31st March 2023

Tom (QMH)

What is your current favourite book?

GONE – Michael Grant

What was your favourite part of the book?

When the main character went into a building when it was burning, he discovered he had powers and managed to save people.

If you could be a character from any book, who would it be and why?

Luke from The Phoenix Files – he got to uncover lots of mysteries without being hurt!

What do you think about our new Library?

I like it – it’s got lots of good books lots of good areas to read!

Holly (QMH)

What is your current favourite book?

Girl, missing – Sophie McKenzie

What was your favourite part of the book?

When they broke into the adoption agency, because it was really exciting and there was lots of tension!

What is your favourite genre to read?

I like to read most genres, but not horror!

If you could be a character from any book, who would it be and why?

From Girl, missing – the mum, she’s concerning and worrying but she’s also happy and angry – an all-rounder!

What do you think of our new library?

I think it’s really nice – you don’t have to just come here for reading can use for prep and tutor as well. When I’m in here I enjoy reading.

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