Counsellors’ Top Tips for Mental Wellbeing
1. Be Kind to Yourself
Avoid negative self-talk: treat yourself as you would a close friend.
2. Share Your Worries
A problem shared really is a problem halved; speak to others who you respect or trust. This could be a friend, family member, teacher, counsellor, sports coach etc.
3. Take A Break
Make time in your daily routine for self-care; try relaxation, mindfulness, watching a ‘feel good’ movie, sport, listening to music, reading a book etc…
4. Try A New Activity
Consider signing up for a new club or activity or setting yourself a challenge.
5. Get Outside and Smell the Roses!
Spending time in the natural world is a great stress reliever. Take time to listen to the birds, watch the clouds, smell the grass, feel the sun on your skin, listen to the rain!
6. Get Enough Sleep
Aim for 6-8 hours per night. Teenagers need the second highest hours of sleep, after babies.
7. Get Organised
Prioritise your tasks using lists e.g., high, medium, low. This will help you feel in control of your workload. See if you can allocate some tasks to others.
8. Avoid Negative People
Try and avoid spending time with people who are overly pessimistic, or negative. Instead try to surround yourself with people who make you smile and lift your mood