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Friday Feature: Yoon-Jee Nam

22nd June 2023

Introduce yourself - who you are, where you live and where you grew up

My name is Yoon-Jee. I was born in Guildford and have lived there all my life.

What qualities do you think a Head Pupil should have and what do you have to offer as Head Girl?

I think the most important qualities of any leader is to be approachable, hard-working, and truthful. Although the role of a leader isn’t easy, just being able to put others first while also setting a good example seems to me to be a good place to start, so this is what I am trying to offer.

Summarise yourself as Head Girl in 3 words

Giving it everything.

How long have you been a pupil at King Edward's Witley?

I have been at this school since 3rd form. I joined just before the pandemic, so only had my first full year at the school in 5th form!

What's your favourite thing about studying at King Edward's Witley?

The pastoral care at the school is something I am really grateful for. While academics is important, I truly believe you can only be as academically successful as the state of your mental health. So the school’s house system is my favourite thing about King Edward’s.

What's your favourite memory from your time here at King Edward's Witley?

All my memories from Silver and Gold D of E expeditions are ones that I will treasure for life.

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy long walks with my dog, reading, painting, and going to the gym.

What do you want to be when you leave King Edward's Witley?

I hope to study chemical engineering and go on to specialise in renewable energy engineering in the future.

What is your favourite film/book/song?

Since I was in Year 5, I have loved Harry Potter, both the books and the films, as well as the music by John Williams and Alexandra Desplat.

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