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Careers & Higher Education

The world of work is changing and no-one can be sure what opportunities will be available with Artificial Intelligence (AI) already playing a major role in the work place. How best can we prepare pupils to remain relevant and employable in the future long after they leave School?

The Careers Programme starts in 1st Form introducing the idea of exploring the world of work preparing pupils to become more self-aware and be curious about career opportunities. In 3rd Form, the pupils’ last year before committing to their GCSE options, we discuss longer term desires so that pupils are aware, for example, that certain University courses require minimum grades in English and Mathematics, that the science mix being considered will impact later their choice of engineering and other science options. Every 5th Form pupil is offered a career assessment to complete online followed by a 20-minute career interview with the Head of Careers and Higher Education Mrs Moira Davies, to discuss the results and given support in making informed decisions about their Sixth Form subject choices.

A big part of Sixth Form life is deciding where to go after School and each pupil’s pastoral team will provide individual and specialised careers guidance, opening the pupils’ eyes to possibilities, encouraging and supporting them to make informed decisions. Our Careers Programme encourages pupils to take charge of their decisions by introducing a ‘Journey of Excellence’, where they create their personal vision with an action plan to make their desires a reality. Pupils will fuel ideas with their own research and targets, plus information gathered from listening to experts. Pupils attend events ranging from focused educational talks by inspirational speakers on topics such as workplace opportunities, motivation and the importance of work-life balance in employability skills. Visits to UCAS and careers fairs are part of the mix and supported back at school with presentations from Alumni where Sixth Form pupils can tap into Old Witleians’ experiences, advice and contacts.

Whether pupils are considering applying to universities, such as Oxbridge or a Russell Group University, or a specialist college, or want to go into an apprenticeship, take a gap year or explore other opportunities in the world of work, we provide a pastoral team supported by our Careers Department that offers personal guidance, resources to support pupils in making informed decisions and assist them to navigate the complex application processes. King Edward’s is proud of the destinations and paths our pupils take. Behind each result is a unique story. We hope we have achieved our aim of giving them a time-less education to build on their story.

Sixth Form pupils attended a ‘Careers in Creative industries’ dinner in London with speeches from actors, designers, photographers and choreographers.  “It was really encouraging to hear how these people each took very different pathways to end up being highly successful in their careers.”

Sixth Form Pupil - Alexia
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