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Pre-Sixth Form

King Edward’s is a senior boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 11 -18 and offers pupils aged 15 to 16-years a Pre-Sixth one-year programme, with the option to take GCSE qualifications that enable them to continue into King Edward’s Sixth Form. From here they can choose to study A-levels.

Pre-Sixth academic studies are a mix of tailored Pre-Sixth classes and joining 5th Form groups. Core co-curricular activity – sport, music, drama and art –is usually taken with our 5th Form pupils. Pre-Sixth pupils are encouraged to participate in a wide- range of activities in our Clubs and Societies programme, open to all ages and abilities. Cultural experiences are enhanced with regular trips to theatres, galleries, museums, sporting events, concerts and more. Subject specific trips are taken to coastlines, towns and cities to enhance scientific or geographical studies or to inspire Creative Arts. Other trips offer the opportunity to discover the UK, including Oxford, Cambridge and London.  All Pre-Sixth pupils will live in one of the six senior Houses, so are fully integrated with their peers and build deep friendships.

Pupil well-being is at the forefront of all we offer. Every pupil will have a dedicated pastoral team which will include the Pre-Sixth Coordinator, their House Parent, assistant House Parent and Matron, an academic tutor, the medical centre staff and the School Counsellor. Each House has its pupil team of House Prefects and Head of House, another body of people to listen, support and represent the pupil voice in daily school life. The core focus of each pupil’s pastoral team is pupil welfare, whatever their need may be. Every House Parent’s aim is to make their House a home during term time and to ensure that opportunities are provided for all our pupils to thrive.

We offer pupils a rich mix of core subjects across three pathways: academic, scientific and creative.

All pupils take Art, Music and Drama to help improve communication skills and allow time for reflection and personal development.

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