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Month: February 2021

COVID Update from Deputy Head

28th February 2021

Dear parents and guardians, Two months is a long time in education (as Prime Minister Harold Wilson never said)….. Since your child was last in School, momentous changes been playing out across the country and across the world. Paradoxically, though, many young people’s domestic lives have followed a more limited and repetitive routine dominated by…

COVID Update from Deputy Head

23rd February 2021

Dear parents and guardians, Many of you will be aware of the UK Prime Minister’s announcement today of a “roadmap” for the release of restrictions imposed by COVID. The first and most important aspect of his plan is that all pupils will be able to return to School on Monday 8th March. Face-to-face lessons will…

Antigone Performance

12th February 2021

During the current lockdown, boarders who have needed to have remained on site and staff have been working hard to keep them entertained and busy. Some of our pupils, who are in a bubble together, have been working hard on a theatre project. These pupils have been working together in the brand new Studio Theatre…

QMH Self Expression

8th February 2021

In November last year, QMH pupils were challenged to express their emotions from 2020 and how they wanted to welcome 2021 in any form of application through mixed media. Our Artist in Residence, Emma Trussler, held and judged the competition. “I have been absolutely blown away by the amount of talent that the First and…

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