COVID update from Deputy Head

Following the government’s recent updated guidance for schools, I am delighted to provide details of King Edward’s measures and precautions against COVID. In the interests of brevity and clarity I shall list bullet points of changes:

  •  Masks are no longer compulsory or recommended for pupils in School, either in classrooms or in communal areas around School. Adult visitors and staff will continue to wear masks when moving around in corridors and communal areas however. Any individual may continue to wear a mask if they wish. If there is an outbreak in the local area or in School, pupils, parents and staff may be required to wear face coverings for a temporary period.
    • Pupils must continue to wear masks when travelling on minibuses, coaches and public transport, including trains.
  • Fixtures continue to be played and spectators will be allowed into school to support on the boundary, touchline or in galleries, whilst adhering to social distancing.
  • Piccadilly café will remain closed to parents and visitors. This is because any relaxation of the visitor rules to Piccadilly would require the School to offer table service, for which we are unable to provide staff.
  • The School’s Risk Assessment has been updated and a summary of salient points will be available on the website, here. We are working hard to resume all activities and will notify pupils and parents as changes occur.
  • We shall resume morning Chapel: each year group will have a weekly Chapel service at 8.40am, or another commitment according to the following rota:
Form Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
QMH House assembly in Chapel Form Form Form Chapel
3rd and 4th Form House Tutor Chapel Tutor Tutor
5th and Pre-Sixth Form House Chapel Tutor Tutor Tutor
Lower Sixth Form House Tutor Tutor Chapel Tutor
  • The Sewing Room will be open during existing opening times, and available for one family at a time, by appointment.
  • School tours have already re-started. They will include visits to classrooms from Monday onwards. Since all classes are held with the door open to encourage the flow of fresh air, we request all visitors refrain from stepping into the classroom. However they will be able to hear and see the classes being taught from the entrance.
  • The School is delighted to be able to welcome external visitors from Monday, in accordance with the new overarching rationale of allowing all activities that are a normal part of School operations. External speakers will be asked to take a lateral flow device test or provide evidence of a recent such negative test.
  • Most other arrangements and COVID precautions remain in place. May I draw your attention to the fundamentally important basics of
    • Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air
    • Catch it, Bin it, Kill it!
  • The government has recently emphasised the importance of testing and reporting. This allows contact tracing in the event of a positive case and will assist understanding of community rates of infection.

With warmest good wishes to you all,

Yours faithfully,

Mr David Corran