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To Witley

1860: “The Hospital of Edward, King of England the Sixth, Bridewell, shall henceforth be called King Edward’s School.” A new school would be built at Witley, Surrey.

1865: Foundation stone laid by the President Alderman William Copeland.

1867: 5th April. A new school and chapel was opened at Witley. Initially it was to take boys only, the girls staying in Southwark.

1870: Naval uniform adopted.

1887: Foster’s Gymnasium built. A resident Qualified Army Instructor was engaged.

1919: Following the flu epidemic at Christmas, the first ever summer holiday was granted.

1920: The War Memorial was erected in memory of the 93 old boys who died in World War 1.

1923: Electric lights replace gas lamps.

1926: Rev. A.C.B Bellerby appointed Headmaster.

1941: The School is requisitioned by the Admiralty to develop radar and becomes known as HMS Mercury. 120 boys were moved to the Workhouse at Hambledon. It can be said that “The battle of the Atlantic was won on the playing fields of Witley.”

1950: New uniform of grey suits introduced. Beds replace hammocks.

1952: 38 girls admitted and QMH becomes their Boarding House.

1958: Charter block opened by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Bridewell President.

1962: Gerald Coke Library opened.

1963: Countess of Munster Music School opened with a violin recital by Yehudi Menuhin.

1965: Warburg Science School opened by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Bridewell President.

1969: John Hansford appointed Headmaster and King Edward’s becomes a HMC school.

1976: The new Boarding Houses opened by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Bridewell President.

1981: Government Assisted Places Scheme allows the School to offer places to deserving pupils.

1985: New swimming pool built.

1988: Rodney Fox appointed Headmaster.

1991: Maths block open by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Bridewell President.

2000: Statue of King Edward commissioned for the Quad to mark the Millennium. Its plinth contains a time capsule with items relating to the School which will be opened in 2553.


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