Our sixth formers study A levels and BTEC/level 3 programmes. Full information is provided below in our information cards, as well as on respective Firefly pages for current pupils.
Acceptance into the Sixth Form is conditional upon applicant’s meeting the entrance requirements of the School. For those taking GCSE or IGCSE, the expectation is for a minimum of six 9-4 grades (equivalent to A* – C) including Mathematics and English, preferably with at least a grade 6/7 in the subjects to be studied at A-level (7 if in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects). Under normal circumstances a place will be offered following an interview and the receipt of a satisfactory report from the Head of the applicant’s present school.
Mr Kirk-Burgess, our Deputy Head (Academic) is available to provide further information and answer questions relating to our sixth form programme, via kirkburgessa@kesw.org
Further information around detailed requirements relating to individual subjects is included below.