Year: 2022

Big Draw Competition

The 2022 Big Draw Festival Every year the Big Draw Festival returns with a new theme. This years’ theme is ‘Come Back to Colour’, and is described as “a love…

Mixed Cross-Country

We have, once again, managed to exceed all expectations in the cross-country season. Firstly, we attended the Waverley Championships which resulted in top 10 finishes! In the U13 age category,…


This term, as well as producing our own shows at school we have been out to the theatres in London and Guildford to be inspired by the professionals. We have…

World Cup Medal For Toby

Following a fantastic season winning Gold at the Senior European Cup and Silver in both Boulder and Lead at the Youth World Championships in Dallas in August, Sixth Former Toby…

Admissions Day 2022

On Admissions Day, we were honoured to welcome Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester, alongside the Alderman Sir Peter Estlin and Treasurer Justine Voisin, to preside over the ancient…

Mischievous Minds Magic Show

Our 3rd and 4th Form pupils (Years 9 and 10) had a visit from Magician Greg Chapman who performed his ‘Mischievous Minds’ show.  Greg used a combination of observation, psychology…