For our Spring Photography Competition, we received over 70 amazing pictures. Thank you to everyone who entered, all the photographs were thoughtful and beautiful.
The choice of three categories – Contrasts, New Beginnings and Reflections, prizes were awarded to the winners and runners-up, with a special overall prize of a new SLR Digital camera for their school.
The Art Department had the difficult task of judging and all the pictures can be seen below.
Congratulations to everybody.
First Prize – ‘Slo Worm’ by Harrison from Barfield. Year 5
Runner-up – ‘Shadow Kids’ by William from South Farnham School. Year 6
First prize – ‘Bee on a flower’ by Emil from Barfield. Year 6
Runner-up – ‘Dawn’ by Ava from Edgeborough. Year 7
Fist prize – ‘Fallen Tree’ by Charlie from Highfield. Year 7
Runner-up – ‘Seagulls’ by Charlie from Edgeborough. Year 5