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On 2 November 1976, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, then President of Royal Bridewell Hospital paid her third visit to King Edward’s to declare the newly built School Houses open. In her speech the Queen Mother alluded to “the necessity on building on firm foundations and true values, courage, loyalty, humour, steadfastness and above all integrity.” Today the Houses reflect the mid-1970s architecture but the priority for each House parent is about the well-being and happiness of every pupil, thus enabling individual success. Your House will be a microcosm of King Edward’s, reflecting the School’s traditions and the values the Queen Mother referred to in 1976, with everyone enjoying a strong feeling of belonging.

Every House has a pastoral team – House Parent, assistant House Parent and Matron – which extends in to the broader school community to include an academic tutor, the medical centre staff and Chaplain. Parents may contact any one of their child’s pastoral care team to discuss any aspect of their child’s school life. Each House will have its student team of House Prefects and Head of House, another body of people to listen, support and represent the student voice in daily school life. The core focus of each student’s pastoral team is student welfare, whatever their need may be. Every House Parent’s aim is to make their House a home during term time and to ensure that opportunities are provided for all our students to thrive.

House Parents and the King Edward’s Parents’ Association organise social events for parents throughout the school year.

There are currently eight School Houses.

Every girl and boy, aged 11, starting at King Edward’s in the 1st and 2nd Forms will be in Queen Mary House, fondly known as QMH.

From 3rd Form to Lower Sixth Form all QMH students, along with the new boarding and day pupils from ages 13 to 17, are assigned to one of the six, single sex, senior Houses.

All Upper Sixth Form students, boarding, day, boy and girl are in Jubilee House.

Edward, Grafton, Ridley, Wakefield – Boys’ Houses

Tudor and Elizabeth – Girls’ Houses

Jubilee – Upper Sixth Form House

Please click the House name above for more information and contact details on each House.

All Houses are a mix of boarding and day students, except for Ridley House, which was established as a boys’ day House in September 2019. There are four-bed and two-bed rooms for 3rd to 5th Form and some single bedrooms with ensuites for Lower Sixth Form students.  Each House has its own dedicated space for study, relaxation and TV and games. There are additional storage lockers and a changing area for day students.

Where possible, girls and boys Houses are linked, with a communal area in the centre of the two Houses where girls and boys can come together to share their free time. For example, cooking, playing pool, singing around the piano, enjoying a film night, or simply chatting. Mixed sex siblings will be assigned to the paired Houses to ensure families can be together.

Each House Parent will organise a House specific pursuit for weekends, for example Go Karting, trips to local amenities, attending local or national sporting events, day trips to London and the more ‘home’ based entertainment with BBQs, pizza or film nights. There are plenty of Inter-House activities and competitions.

Day students and weekly boarders are encouraged to be part of the weekend activities arranged for their boarding peers.  Days students are welcome to book occasional boarding.

Our House names identify with a key figure that has been associated with the School over time and is a daily reminder of our rich and Royal history, for which we are most grateful. Each House has aspects that distinguish it from other Houses in addition to its name, such as the House emblem, motto and House colour. While each House has its own distinctive character and is home to its pupils, there is much in school life that unites the pupils across all the Houses.

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