To view marriage announcements, please choose the relevant year below. If you would like to share news of your marriage with the King Edward’s community, please contact The Development Team on or telephone 01428 68 6730.
Nicholas Bourne (2005-2010, Ridley) and Katherine Salsbury
Rebecca Chant (2000-2007, Elizabeth) and Alex Steele
Terry Tsoi (2003-2005, Wakefield) and Katie Chan (2001-2005, Tudor)
Olivia Leahy (2004-2008, Elizabeth) and Eric Pratt
Adam Hart (1998-2005) and Emily Martin
Joanna Ashworth (1990-1996, Tudor) and Guy Newman
Andreas Skau (2018, Former Staff) and Naomi Skau (2018, Former Staff)
Alister Peel (1991-1998, Wakefield) and Michelle Grant
Harriet Trumble (1998-2005, Tudor) and Jonathan Stone
Robin Kingerlee (1984-1989, Wakefield) and Debbie Tribute (1983-1990, Tudor)
Robert (Bob) Eddins (1954-1961, Ridley) and Gillian Burgoyne (1956-1961, St. Bridget’s)
Frank Grindell (1952-1956, Ridley) and Christine Bates (1952-1956, St Bridget’s)