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Onatti Modern Foreign Language Plays

Annually, King Edward’s hosts three modern foreign language (MFL) plays in French, Spanish and German hosted by Onatti Productions.  In every case. two professional actors perform a 50-minute play in their native tongue. No English is spoken.

The aim

We invite children from local prep, primary and secondary schools to visit King Edward’s, watch and take part in a specific language performance in our Charter Hall.

The plays are always funny, interactive and much is achieved in a short period of time.  The actors bring their own staging unit and all their own props.

Vocabulary crib sheets are distributed to the visiting schools and to the King Edward’s pupils in advance, allowing the teachers time to use them in their classes.

Every production is interactive and the actors choose a variety of children to go up on stage to help with various activities, have fun and make their peers laugh.

The three most recent plays were:

Spanish play – Primera Cita (November 2019)

French play – Les Garçons (February 2020)

German play – Das Schlimmste Hotel (February 2020)


Pupil Involvement

Depending on the academic level of each play, the audience ranges from age 11 to 16.

A unique and new production takes place three times a year between November and February.

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