Mr Ian Seaton MBE

Attended Bristol (Law); qualified barrister. Lawyer and credit analyst at Chemical Bank; transferred to stockbroking firm as securities analyst and corporate finance executive. 1985 started in financial public relations, first with Streets Financial, then a founder of Citigate Communications, later Citigate Dewe Rogerson. 2002-2009 Bankside Consultants.

City of London: Common Councilman, Ward of Cornhill. 

Committees: Education Board, Finance, Investment, Livery, Markets and The City Bridge Trust.

Liveryman of The Girdlers’ Company (Master 2008). Governor of the City of London School (Chairman); Committee of Aldermanic Almoners, Common Council Governors and Donation Governors of Christ’s Hospital City of London School for Girls (Ex-Officio); and The City of London Freemen’s School (Ex-Officio).

Outside bodies: City Chapter and Percy Trentham Charity. Mitchell City of London Charity & Educational Foundation. The Honourable The Irish Society.