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The KESW Certificate will be made up of a mixture of a pupil’s academic achievement and their commitment to co-curricular activities. The idea behind it is to recognise the achievements of the pupils across the board, rather than just in a limited field and it draws on elements of the IB Diploma and Duke of Edinburgh Courses for all year groups.

The basic outline of the programme is below. Scoring will vary by year group, as each year group studies a different number of subjects, but the basic principles are the same.

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1000 credits which are awarded for the work pupils will have been expected to complete in each of their academic subjects over the course of the term (so for a pupil studying 10 subjects, each subject would award up to 100 credits).

3 x 100 credits earned for successful completion of their co-curricular activities in the three areas (one activity from each of physical, creativity & skills and service & community over the course of the term.

The KESW Standard Certificate is therefore awarded to pupils who earn 1300 credits over the whole term (the work they are expected to complete in academic subjects plus meeting their basic co-curriculum obligations).

Elective modules

There should be 50 ‘elective module’ credits available in each academic subject, which is essentially extension work to provide stretch and challenge all pupils. There should also be 50 ‘elective module’ credits available in each of the three co-curricular areas, by pupils undertaking more than the basic expectation in terms of activities. Therefore the available credits from electives are as follows:

10 x 50 credits (extension work completed in each of 10 academic subjects) = 500 credits (the weighting here will be different for the Sixth Form).

3 x 50 credits (for additional co-curricular activities) = 150 credits

There are therefore 1950 credits available in total over the course of the term.

I just wanted to thank you for all the work you and your colleagues have done to keep KESW going throughout the some very difficult times. Teaching and learning remotely is quite a different skill and our son has continued to be engaged and work hard because of the high expectations teachers have had and continue to expect.

The certificate is a great idea and has given pupils something to focus on. I know that our son has received lots of points for this already and will continue to work on this, even if Senior schools are not back until September.


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