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Social groupings and interactions

Day pupils should avoid public transport when this is practical. The School has encouraged parents to arrange lift-shares within pupils’ form and offers four minibus routes using the School’s own fleet of minibuses.

I regret that the School will not be able to enable occasional boarding while under COVID restrictions. Flexiboarding can continue for blocks of a minimum of 3 nights. The reason for this is to minimise the number of interactions between different groupings of pupils. Flexiboarding for fewer than 3 nights is unlikely to be possible.

There is a one-way system marked on the floors, doors, and walls of the entire site to avoid face-to-face crowding and contact as far as possible. This has been carefully designed to minimise interactions between different groupings of pupils during the school day. This system, and most other procedures and precautions in this document, will be reviewed after three weeks of term.

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