Nothing matters but your will to succeed

On 22 January, two 4th Form Elizabeth House girls led the King Edward’s Assembly which was held in our Chapel. After their introduction, they conducted a competition between two teachers each of who had a small bottle of bubbles for blowing.  Each bubble represents a part of who we are; a factor of life that can affect someone’s lifestyle. The bubble mixture represents King Edward’s Witley and the opportunities we are offered. Each person contributes to this bubble mixture which in turn creates another set of bubbles….of opportunities. Say for instance Mr Lynch was from a privileged background, it has been proven he has a 39% higher chance of succeeding just because of his upbringing.  However, imagine Miss Condy had a rough upbringing, attended a state school, and had difficulties with money and life. To reflect this situation, Mr Lynch is going to start ten seconds before Miss Condy in our bubble challenge. This suggests Mr Lynch has a higher chance of winning. Right?

In school it doesn’t matter what score you start with, it’s about how many opportunities you take. This challenge shows how King Edward’s aims to give everyone the same opportunity, bursary or not.  We’ve all had our ups and downs in life; faced our worst nightmares; fought our own battles and seen things we never thought we would face. Yet, we all have to finish that race. No matter what the journey.

Leviticus 19:33-34
‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’