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Friday Feature: Mrs S Wood

22nd March 2024

What is your current position at King Edward's Witley and how long have you worked here?

I have been lucky enough to be Matron to the wonderful Wakefield boys, I have been working for KESW for 3 years.

What is your background, and where do you live now?

I was brought up in Cranleigh but moved away when I was 22 and bought my own home. Through my younger years I worked in management running various businesses from a Ferrari racing store, through to a Hatton Garden Jewellers.

As my family grew, we found our way back to Cranleigh when my 3 children were babies. I started to work as a preschool and forest school teacher and then became an educational trainer for adults. Three times I was an NMT awards finalist, recognised as one of the most inspirational FS Teachers / Trainers in the UK. By fusing teaching with a forest environment I really believe we develop boys’ cognitive, emotional and social traits.

What is your favourite thing about working at King Edward's Witley?

I have a privileged role within KESW working with these wonderful teenagers, on a pastoral level. Supporting them through their challenges and witnessing their growth and development is the most rewarding.

What are your hobbies and interests?

I love taking my dog Dudley for long walks, reading and travel.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A reporter, my stepfather was a camera man at ITN News. Going to work with him was very exciting.

Who is someone you have always admired and why?

Clint Eastwood, my family owned a cinema so I was bought up with film and television, he was my idol. I wrote to his production company at the age of 9 receiving a wonderful reply and signed photograph. Now I look at him for his versatility as an actor, director, and producer. His longevity in the film industry is something I now admire.

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