Our second Remote Online Chess Tournament of this academic year took place on Saturday 19 March. Due to the variety of ages, we divided the competition into two categories, which proved very successful. Category 1 was for children aged up to 10 years old and Category 2 was aimed at those aged 11 and above. In total, 76 young people signed up.
Starting at 10am, each tournament lasted for one hour with a time control of 10 minutes. It is ran using the international website, Lichess. Mr Ahmed Sibachir, Maths teacher and ‘Chess Manager’, oversaw the event throughout answering questions remotely when they arose.
New participants to the Lichess website are asked to create their own account choosing a username with an identify easily recognisable including their school name, such as ‘Owen_KESW’. This helps the organisers recognise the players and, more importantly, the winners!
Three Amazon gift card prizes were awarded for each of the two categories. The overall tournament winner is the player with the most points at the end of the match, and there is a second and third place. The Remote Chess Tournaments have now been running for two years and have proved very popular. We will be holding our third and last Tournament this year on Saturday 7 May.
In category 1, congratulations go to WilliamH for coming first, WilliamF-H second and Ziad third. In category 2 our congratulations go to Sebastian for winning first place, Tomas was second and Sebastian A third.
Thank you to everyone who gave feedback:
“Thanks for organising the tournament. Ziad really enjoyed it.”
“Thank you very much for the e-gift card for William. He really enjoyed the tournament and really does love playing chess. It’s the first time he’s ever won anything in terms of money, after playing chess for 4 years, so he was completely thrilled. Thank you so much for putting on the tournament.”
“William is thrilled! Thank you very much!”
“Thanks a lot for organising the tournament, Sebastian enjoyed playing on it.”
“Thank you for holding the tournament”